May 31, 2011

God and Wealth

We either serve God or Mammon. No one can serve two servants.

The author of the book of Ecclesiastes puts his powers of wisdom to work to examine the human experience and assess the human situation. What he has experienced was within the boundaries of his visible world as his wisdom cannot penetrate beyond that beings. Wisdom is better than folly. Life is nothing but meaningless if it is not rightly related to God. We think we can master the world by laboring away and build up our kingdoms of wealth, forgotten that this life is not in our control. Who, can be confident that when he will still be alive the next second? Are we pursuing unrealistic hopes and aspirations, are all our works and efforts futile? As free will allows, we can easily muck up our life thinking that that is my life, I want to live it my way. Without God, we toil foolishly and all our striving under the sun after unreal goals will just lead only to disillusionment.

The element of God cannot be taken away from any equation applicable to this life. Godly wisdom and reverence towards God and His word ensure us not ending up beating the air. Knowing God means knowing our purpose.

Riches, if not being gifted by God and receiving with gladness of heart, are meaningless.

In Ecclesiastes 5:8-20. the author gives everyone who is willing to listen a great wake up call. Undeniably, we can be easily entangled, not realizing that we have been a slave to the money.

"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless." V10

One of the best and worst attitude is to want more. If we desire more of what God has for us, God is honoured. But if our heart is blinded pursuing our goals in life and as a result leaving God on the shelf, we are wicked. If we do not find the satisfaction in God, we will never be satisfied with everything that we have. How true it is that in the society, everyone is eyeing after another or a position, climbing the social ladder and accumulating wealth even to the stake of our health, never realize that someone will still out-perform us and it is an unending race of sadness.

"The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep." V12

The rich grieves and often lives in sorrow and great anxiety. He is afraid of intruders and wealth being stolen. He has no good sleep. Contrary, he who lives in contentment worries no.

"Naked a man comes from his mother's womb, and as he comes, so he departs. He takes nothing from his labor that he can carry in his hand." V15

Isn't it an alarming statement? Can one bring a billion notes into the heaven? No! Not even a single coin! What's on earth cannot go into the eternity. Therefore, store our treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy nor thieves break in and steal.

"When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." V19-20

Everything comes from God. God he gives and he takes. For sure our loving God as if our earthly father would give the best to his children. However, God knows us deeply and even much more of what we know about ourselves. We might question God's fairness for not everyone is rich. The truth is that everyone's strength and gift are different. Our calling can be different. Not everyone is a good keeper. Not everyone is diligent. God sees the heart. God knows best. God never promises everyone to be rich, not as what the prosperity preaching is about. God sees prosperity beyond our understanding of material and wealth.

Don't get me wrong, God doesn't forbid us from pursuing wealth. In fact those who have he will give more. The benchmark is that we sore what we reap and God must be included even in our investment. Every move that we make, may it be to the glory of God. Do we purchase property before seeking God, or after? Find the contentment in God and be grateful when God gives. God gives man wealth and possessions and enables them to enjoy that. It is a gift of God. But do not let the heart dwell in reflecting the days, but be occupied with thanksgiving unto God.

God wants the best for our life. Check the status of our heart today by pondering the following statement:

"When God gives and blesses, we welcome, receive and be thankful. When God takes or asking us to give back to him, will we give cheerfully or being reluctant and sorrowful? Ponder that. Ponder about the parable of the rich young man in Matthew 19.

Will we walk away sad?

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