Dec 28, 2012

Perfect God vs Imperfect Beings

I came across and heard people saying "Stop telling me about Christianity and your God." There are numerous reasons given, particularly one which hurt them the most - "I had a bad encounter with a Christian friend...” “I got cheated by a Christian friend...” “A Christian friend betrayed me...” “How can my Christian friend treat me like that..." 

Or sometimes you get to hear reasons such as “Look at that Christian, you see his attitude? Is that the character a Christian should have?” “See that filthy rich so called Christian businessman? Detestable approaches in his tactics…”

If you are one of them, even though I do not know who and what you encountered, on behalf of those who hurt, offended, cheated, betrayed or disappointed you, I sincerely say sorry on behalf of them.

Yet I praise God that your encounter and experience has proven once again that we are all a Great Sinner in dire need of a Great Saviour. And proven again that Christians are not perfect beings, we do fall and stumble. We make mistakes. We screw up. Though you can reject man, but you can’t reject the Christian God. You can’t deny the love and hope He brought to this world simply because of what you have encountered. You can’t deny God just because of your unfavorable experience. That is, being blatant.

Despite all the shortcomings of Christians, you should see that God is reaching out to save His people. And in all the shortcomings of Christians, you should learn to see that no one is righteous, none is good (Romans 3:9-20), except God. You should learn that all have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). You should learn to see that we all need Grace, that we are not Born into grace but being Brought into Grace, and this Grace comes from God (Romans 5:1-2). You should learn that God’s grace is all that we need, His grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Last but not least, you should probably learn a big lesson about forgiveness. Forgiveness first that being exemplified and demonstrated on the Cross along side with love. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (Ephesians 4:32). Just as those Christians that you don’t have a good encounter with, I believe somewhere in life you would have offended and hurt someone. And all that you pleaded for is to be forgiven. Likewise, learn to forgive those who trespassed you. Those who are forgiven much, love much (Luke 7:47).

Christianity is about a perfect God reaching out to the imperfect beings; and the imperfect beings seeking a perfect God. Give others a chance (forgive), and give yourself a bigger chance to know Him (be forgiven).

Photo Credit: Tim Ngu

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