Dec 7, 2012

We Move Forward

The reality of life is that we move forward. We grow up, we become more knowledgeable, more mature. Every tomorrow is a little growth to where we are today as we see, hear, experience, encounter and learn more and more each day. We are created to grow forward or upward and not backward or downward. Likewise, a believer's walk with God is the same. If we are serious about pursuing God, our relationship with God today should be stronger than yesterday. Our understanding and knowledge about God today should increase further as compared to yesterday. Our love for God today should be greater than yesterday. Our faith in God today should be bigger and more audacious than yesterday. If not, we have a problem. Something is not very right. Do not then, dwell in the past, even in the good jolly times. Therefore, our greatest encounter with God should be what is ahead, our greatest testimony should be what is to come, as there is so much more that is yet to come. I hope that 30 years down the track, I will not say that the best year I had with God is 2012, but expecting it to be the year ahead then. 

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