Jun 5, 2011

Only If We have Listened

When God says, what shall we do?

How often have we not followed God's instructions? How often have we missed the marks due to our own negligence and followed the heart rather than taking God's way?

How often do we realize that Only If I Have Listened, things will not turn out to be this way! Many outcomes can be totally different only if we have listened, to God, spiritual mentors and those who are wiser than us. Life is all about decision making. From what we gonna eat for breakfast to what time should I rest... It can be minor or major decision but all we want to see is a wise move! We will never understand how immense the difference can be, only if we have paid more attention and listened to the wiser and God!

Naturally when we are young, we always like to go on adventure. When our parents say no to this and that, we question for reasons but most of the time, we tend to taste the forbidden fruits. At the end of the day, we get punished for our wrong doings. Hopefully we regret and learn from our mistakes. It is similar in our walk with God. When God gives a direction, do we follow straightforward or we try to wrestle with God? When God says do not give in to temptation and flee from youthful desires and sins, do we try to light up the sparks or extinguish?

Think of a few scenarios below.

1. Only if Eve had listened to God's instruction, the birth of Sin into the world had to be different.

2. Only if Jonah had listened to God rather than running away, he would not have to be swallowed by a big fish. What did he gain? Didn't he obey God's instruction at the end?

3. Abraham listened to God. He took the step of faith and willingly offered Isaac as God commanded him. God saw his heart. Not only God spared Isaac's life, Abraham was then called Father of All Nation.

Today, as God speaks, as His commandments are made known, as sins are made clear, right and wrongs are distinguished, how should we respond?

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