Oct 27, 2008

America Next President..

The game is on. The bet goes wild. All the eyes are on the States' next president. Despite the recent economics meltdown, regardless of the astronomical amount of bailouts by the central banks in the world to slow down the cut in consumption spending, dovetailing with the aim to save the world financial behemoths, the focus on the US Presidency never fades.

Who is your money on? The African American or the white? Numerous issues have been raised and the debates between Obama and McCain continue to catch the limelight of the world. Words like hope, change and progress might seem like naive campaign slogan-eering in the past. Democracy is after all, a process that will either write off the history, embarking on a new page in the human's history or the prelude of reformation and change. It can only be achieved through the exercise of casting votes by the people of a country, signifying the people's urges and voices to dismantle the current government and policies.

When Obama won the Democratic Party's Presidency Nominee against the much more favoured Hilary Clinton, the world was stunned, even the blacks were flabbergasted. So the rising of a black US presidency candidate is well against the odds. Most Americans are still living by the past history. There was a disbelief in the idea that America would really vote of a black man. We'd like to be wrong, but we think we're right. (Coates, T.N., 2008).

Why? African Americans and the blacks are deemed to be the outsiders. Slavery is the blacks' disappointment. Prejudice and racism have always been the centre of all issues. But after 8 years of ruling under The Bush Administration, people demand changes. If Obama won the presidency, the most famous black man in the States will no longer be the one who dribbles the ball or clutches the microphone bringing you the hip-hops. The race is hot. Next week, on the 4th of November, the world will mark a new era after ages of rallies, polls, public appearances, debates and the dumping of cash by both parties. Be prepared. Let's witness.

MacCain or Obama? The dice is in your hand (Americans).


aaron said...

Yes, the game is on. and next week, 4th of Nov 2008, will mark the first day to my absolute freedom from all this soul-sucking toiling, at least for another 4 months or so...

Shadowfeet said...

Good on U. Enjoy. But ensure u aint go rust.